#Brum Meet One

Temporary Logo by Alex Gamela
Suggested Logo by Alex Gamela

This is our first real meeting for#Brum a new hyperlocal news site for central Birmingham. We're still very much in development at the moment and we'd really like involvement, help and suggestions from non-MA Online Journalism students.

It would be great if you could comment on the conversation we had, or you can also track and make suggestions at our #Brum Wiki

You can right click 'save target' for the MP3 here or you can listen to it below.


BTW We got off to a poor start by not recording the first five minutes!

BCC DIY Audio Interview

hack day

This has moved from my journalist archive as this is the best home for it and it's interfering with my Silver Skins Podcast feed.

Here is the full interview with Stefan Lewandowski following a very long hack day for BCC DIY.

[audio: http://dandavies23.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/stef-interview-long-clip.mp3]

Other BCU MA Online Journalism coverage: Alex Gamela

Social Media And Its Impact On Mainstream Journalism

BBC Broadcasting House

I recently headed off to the BBC to hear Nic Newman present his paper 'The rise of social media and its impact on mainstream journalism'. They recorded the session so you might want to keep an eye on Reuters site for a better recording.

Social Media BBC Discussion Panel

You can right click 'save target' for the MP3 here or listen below.


The discussion took place in the chamber facing a picture of Lord Reith which the chair points out at the beginning. Some notes and live twittering to accompany this talk can be found at Caroline Beavon's site. This is the post from Chiara Bolognini.